Developing A Heart Of Gratitude
I've been nearly all me focused the last few weeks. My move back to the U.S. My transition in ministry. My need for more financing. My moving to Texas. My growing family. My missing Russia. My, my, my what a narrow view of things we have when we are me focused.
As a result of the in-my-face-challenge of a woman I love dearly (my mom), I'm turning my attention to being grateful for what I already have. A wife of unspeakable Proverbs 31ness, 2 beautiful sons who think I'm next to only mom in the world of superlatives, a healthy child on the way, a new ministry, an exciting move, new transportation (my dad in law GAVE us his Suburban), a chance to have my faith challenged and grow in the coming months. After just a day of this thinking, I already feel much, much better. As Rick Warren said right off the bat in his "see it everywhere" bestseller, The Purpose Driven Life, ''It's Not About You (Rob!).'' How true, how true.
"Thank you Lord that your mercies are new this morning and that they will continue to be new every morning. Grant me the eyes to see them, the willingness to accept them and heart to be grateful for them."
Have a great day!