From a first time blogger, thoughts about life from an American missionary now living in the US after years in Russia and doing a lot of back and forth. Family stuff, Christian content, sports innuendo and lots of quotes from good books.

Friday, October 22, 2004

What It Is and What It Ain't

My blog. It's an odd thing, really. 3 months into it, it is just now finding its identity. Lots of folks find it strange that I, or anyone else, blog at all. I find it strange that the spell check for this service does not recognize "blog" as a word. That, honestly, is unsettling. My father in law says of himself, "I have nothing to say. Why should I blog?" He speaks for most of us probably. Finding out why we do this would make a readable PhD dissertation for someone probably. Before I say what my blog is, let me say what it ain't. It ain't...

Repeating what anyone else is saying
Searching for the wittiest way to say...nothing
Questioning the way we do church
Venting on a world gone bad
Writing something I dare not say to folks face to face
THAT aggravating to my wife (maybe it's that aggravating but definitely not THAT aggravating to her)
Trying to keep up with anyone else's blog
An outlet to express my political/sports/theological/ministerial views

What is it then? Well, it's just my thoughts on any particular day given any particular subject. It might be thoughts as light at Rick James' death (if you are a fan of the Super Freak and took his death seriously, consider this a heavy topic) or as heavy as watching my kids grow up and my dad old. Nothing more, nothing less really. If you don't read it, I don't blame you. If you do read it, on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your blog. I often feel a little intimidated because I don't blog deep spiritual thoughts. Not that I don't have them, I just don't blog them. My blog won't change the world but my mother enjoys reading it - I guess that'll do!

7:49 PM

Blogger Rob said...

Well Tl, if our blogs aren't for our moms then who are they for? Here's to the moms! Now if I just can get mine to figure out how to find and read this blog...

10:23 PM


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