From a first time blogger, thoughts about life from an American missionary now living in the US after years in Russia and doing a lot of back and forth. Family stuff, Christian content, sports innuendo and lots of quotes from good books.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

4 years ago today

Well today is a day that will always, for the rest of my life, be bittersweet. Bitter in that my dear father died 4 years ago today but oh so sweet in that Nate was born 7 years ago today. I'm glad Dad is where he is but I just miss him a lot. At 40 I could sure use a 70 year old dad at times.

Nate is all the a 7 year old truly should be - funny, curious, busy, skinned up knees, into sports, loves his mommy and is a bit of a clown too. Dad would love Nate no matter how he is but he would love him especially as he is.


Blogger Jennifer said...

AWW, Happy Birthday to dear Nate today!! It's a special day, isn't it? I can't believe he's 7 and I can't believe your dad died 4 years ago! Wow! I wish we could come celebrate/remember with y'all in person! Hug each other for us..especially the birthday boy! Love you guys!

12:51 PM

Blogger Kim said...

I'm sorry you're sad but glad you're happy. Nate is just beautiful- always has been. =)
And I love your thoughts on Resolutions- very clever. =)

9:38 PM


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