From a first time blogger, thoughts about life from an American missionary now living in the US after years in Russia and doing a lot of back and forth. Family stuff, Christian content, sports innuendo and lots of quotes from good books.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

He Wants His Rights!

"Student Vinicios Robacher, 15, said in March he was preparing to file a lawsuit against school officials in Danbury, Conn., over an ear injury. Robacher said that, while he had his head down, sleeping in class, the teacher slapped his desk so hard with her palm, to wake him, that he still has constant pain."

Hmmmm. My Junior High math teacher (a wonderful, Godly man actually) used to slap his yard stick on his desk whenever he saw us dozing in class. It would always cause one or two kids to scream out who were asleep in class and more than a few of us dreaming about this weekend's game to immediately whip back in our chairs risking, I'm sure, some kind of chiropractic malfunction. At least "way back then" he never nor would the school he worked for ever consider this a questionable act in the least. Oh my how times are a changin'.



Blogger Kim said...

What in the world?! I still hit desks if I need attention. =)

2:14 PM


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