From a first time blogger, thoughts about life from an American missionary now living in the US after years in Russia and doing a lot of back and forth. Family stuff, Christian content, sports innuendo and lots of quotes from good books.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

It's been a long time (20 years actually) but the chant means something again.

Click here and enjoy!



Blogger LaPorte said...

That's a stupid chant, especially since they beat Memphis. Go , Tigers, Go

11:18 PM

Blogger Rob said...

Spoken like a not so gracious loser.

And Memphis' famous chant is......?

11:25 AM

Blogger LaPorte said...

you must have a vested interest in Kansas. I don't think Memphis State had a chant , we just had a k.a. marching band and fight song among other things. oh, pretty good athletic teams now and then. "Gracious", what is that? and I'm not a loser,heh!

11:51 AM

Blogger Rob said...

I just have a vested interest in the history and "rightness" of college basketball in it's purist style. That's KU, no UM or MSU or whatever they are calling themselves now.

Remember I knew Memphis (State) with Dana the Crook Kirk was running the show and William Bedford was a part time All American Center and a full time drug dealer. Not good times for the fellas in Shelby County.'s to a team with some real history on its side bringing home the championship.

Humble in Victory, Gracious in Defeat. It's a motto that sports has had in its lingo for a good long while.

You are not a loser Terry. You are a great uncle, a wonderful fireman, a dear brother in Christ, but no you are not a loser.

6:52 PM


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