From a first time blogger, thoughts about life from an American missionary now living in the US after years in Russia and doing a lot of back and forth. Family stuff, Christian content, sports innuendo and lots of quotes from good books.

Friday, June 01, 2007

More fun with boys...

There continues to be some great family days these days. While Anna is the center of the universe right now I just feel very, very, very close to my boys. They feel it too. I traveled so much this spring. Nearly 45k miles in less than 3 months all over the U.S. and to Russia and back twice. It was not easy on the family or fun for my children (and definitely not for my wife). With that behind us now and hopefully not to be repeated for a loooong time, attention has turned to our kids. A few fotos...

Aidan goes airborne though none of us were really sure why... . Apparently little boys just feel the need to jump every once in a while. Wait a minute - maybe? I've got three sons. Of course they feel need to jump...and run, and hit, and tackle, throw, duck, twist, turn, spring, launch, lurch, and lunge. Gotta love little boys.

Keeping on the theme of little boys and levitation, Nate, Benja and I have been learning baseball the last few weeks. We made a makeshift field in our front yard (not worthy of a picture trust me) but recently graduated to a local park's football field. Better grace, more open spaces, and lots of room for Dad to smack it and let them run after it as I "scurry" around the bases (picture a 6-8 guy walking really, really slow not even bothering to drop the bat. Now slow that down another 2 or 3x. There ya go). Here's Nate sending me one of his heaters. Note he's airborne too as he puts his all into the delivery...

Benja is gazing off at something in center field apparently...
Anyway, no real point here other than I'm really enjoying my sons these days amid all the excitement of "girlgate 2007".



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