From a first time blogger, thoughts about life from an American missionary now living in the US after years in Russia and doing a lot of back and forth. Family stuff, Christian content, sports innuendo and lots of quotes from good books.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Day Two of SHE IS HERE...

May 24 was the day it all changed around here. Cammo and t-shirts began the slow retreat against pink and lace. Twas a day we won't soon forget.

I did forget though to give the vitals. 8 lbs 8 oz. and 21 inches (3.8 kg and 53 cm for our European readers). Dark hair and lots of it are typical for Browne babies at birth. Nate was more of a blonde at birth which has held true 5 years onward. Anna has plenty to start out with for sure.

Many have asked if we'll call her "Anna" or "Anna Grace". A more pressing question seems to be if we'll say "Anna" with the Russian sound (Ah na) or the American sound (Aan na). I lean towards the Russian sound just because I've been saying the name that way for 15 years. The rest of the family seems bent on the American sound. Stay tuned for this still developing story as Daddy doesn't like it when he does not get his way...

She will be Anna though sans Grace. At least for now. I think. We'll see.

More to come...



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