From a first time blogger, thoughts about life from an American missionary now living in the US after years in Russia and doing a lot of back and forth. Family stuff, Christian content, sports innuendo and lots of quotes from good books.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

For what?

I'm trying real hard to not blog just for the sake of blogging.  What I have scoffed at for a few years now has now become a large part of my surfing.  I'm actually learning something...having my faith challenged...deepening my walk with God and others.  Can't complain there.  I always say (and mostly mean) that I have never had an original thought so I promise to keep that run in tact.  I will gladly pass along whatever pearls I read/hear/remember from others though.  Though it all, may Jesus shine in me/us.

Funny that's spellcheck does not recognize "blog" as a word.  We're off to an iffy start...


Blogger Wade said...

Welcome to the blogosphere my friend. You're trip to the dark side is almost complete.

1:14 PM

Blogger Rob said...

Once I get my IM address, I guess am totally given over to the Dark Side, yes? NEVER!

8:45 PM


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